
Pickup/Delivery Service: We offer pickup services Monday-Friday from Grande Prairie and Area vet clinics for a fee of $35.00,and from West County Vet Clinic for $20.00. We offer a weekly pickup service from Fort St. John vet clinics for $50.00. We also offer delivery back to your vet clinic free of charge.  For residents of Dawson Creek please contact regarding pick up service and pricing.


Private Cremation Price: Your pet will be cremated by itself and the cremains returned in a plastic bag, inside a cloth bag, inside of a cardboard box. Your pet will be given a metal identification tag with its name imprinted on it that will be kept with it throughout the entire cremation process. This ensures you know it is your pet you are receiving. An urn may be purchased for an additional cost. For a full list of products with prices see our Products page. GST not included


Under 3lbs: $60.00

3-25lbs: $90.00

25-50lbs: $110.00

50-75lbs: $130.00

75-100lbs: $150.00

100-125lbs: $170.00

125+lbs: $190.00


Burial Price: There is an additional $50.00 charge which is refundable within one year if you supply a grave marker. Otherwise, the $50.00 is used to purchase a small plaque with your pet’s name engraved on it that is placed at the head of the plot.


2′ x 4′ plot: $450.00

Burial of Cremains: $200.00

Horse Burial: $650.00